Kamaal Rashid Khan aka KRK never wants to miss a chance to target Bollywood its films and its actors and movie. For some time, the Deshdroshi actor was behind Shah Rukh Khan’s recently released film Pathaan, which received a thunderous response at the box office. However soon after seeing its box office success, he took U-Turn and began to shower all the praises on the Siddharth Anand directorial. However, now he has launched a fresh attack and this time the target is The Kapil Sharma Show.
The comedy show has been in the news owing to some comedians’ sudden exit from the show. It recently returned with a new season last year.
KRK recently called The Kapil Sharma Show ‘panauti’ (bad luck) and cited a few examples of films like Pathaan and The Kashmir Files, who didn’t promote the film on the show but got a huge success at the box office. However, he was soon reminded of the films which were promoted and were still a hit.
Taking to Twitter, KRK wrote, “SRK didn’t promote #Pathaan on Kapil Sharma show and film is superhit. Film #Kashmirfiles was not promoted on Kapil Sharma show and film was superhit. So It’s proof that Kapil Sharma show is a Big Panauti for the films. Hope others also won’t promote their films on PANAUTI show.”
Reacting to the same a user wrote, “Krk didn’t promote #deshdrohi on Kapil Sharma show and film is blockbuster superhit aajtak theatre wale paise count kar rhe hai . So It’s proof that Kapil Sharma show is a Big goodluck for the films. Hope others also promote their films on goodluck show.”
In contrary to his Tweet, a netizen gave one example and said, “RRR was promoted and was massive hit.” And another said, “But drishyam 2 was blockbuster” Check out the Tweet below:
SRK didn’t promote #Pathaan on Kapil Sharma show and film is superhit. Film #Kashmirfiles was not promoted on Kapil Sharma show and film was superhit. So It’s proof that Kapil Sharma show is a Big Panauti for the films. Hope others also won’t promote their films on PANAUTI show.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) February 5, 2023
Recently, the self-proclaimed critic KRK was in news for taking a dig at Vivek Agnihotri for not sharing the profit he earned from the film with Kashmiri Pandits. Slamming the filmmaker, he called him a genius who fooled Bhakts & earned ₹100Cr’. He further claimed that Vivek Agnihotri had promised 50% profit of Kashmir files to Kashmiri Pandits but he “didn’t give a single penny n Bhakts didn’t ask him.”
Shri @vivekagnihotri is considering himself genius coz he fooled Bhakts & earned ₹100Cr. He promised to give 50% profit of #Kashmirfiles to Kashmiri Pundits but he didn’t give a single penny n Bhakts didn’t ask him. So he thinks that he can fool them again for his new film.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) February 4, 2023
Coming back, what are your thoughts on KRK calling The Kapil Sharma Show a ‘panauti’? Do let us know.
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